Sexual &  Reproductive Justice for All.

Through advocacy and education, Roc.SRJ strives to bridge the gap between sexual and reproductive justice resources and connect them to the people of Rochester, NY.

Our Goal

Rochester’s Sexual & Reproductive Justice Task Force was established on July 16, 2016, by a group of passionate local health educators and advocates. We understood that our city was in need of amplifying the voices of those of us who have been omitted from the conversations surrounding our own bodies and rights.

Roc.SRJ believes sexual and reproductive justice exists when all people have the autonomy, resources, and rights to make decisions about their bodies, reproduction, and sexual lives, with dignity. We've evolved a lot in seven years, but our mission has remained the same: through advocacy, education, and community, we bridge the gap between SRJ resources and the people who need them in Rochester. Thank you so much for all of your support!

Get In, We're Going To Do This Ourselves!!!

It feels like every piece of us is currently up for grabs by the government and folks who would like to pretend they are a part of our government. We have learned that the only way they can excel is by creating legislation that wipes us off of the map, writing policy that pretends we do not exist, coming for our family values, our bodily autonomy, our food supply, our health insurance possibilities, and our government programs that take care of the most left out groups. We will not sit by and let them erase us!!!

In order to fight back

  1. We must educate ourselves and those within our circles.
  2. We must create spaces for folks to learn about legislation, policy and advocacy.
  3. We must foster and continue to bring community together in all sorts of forms.

Calling your representative is the best way to make your voice heard. Pick up the phone!!!

Once your congressperson forms a public stance on an issue, it’s hard for them to walk it back. The earlier they hear your opinion, the more likely it is you’ll make an impact. Use scripts from 5Calls to help you say what you need to say to your local representatives!!

What’s important to you?

  1. Stop the Purge of the Federal Workforce
  2. Protect the Department of Education
  3. Condemn a US Takeover of Gaza
  4. Demand Action Against Gun Violence
  5. Protect Medicaid Funding
  6. Demand Congress Restore CDC Guidance for Sexual, Reproductive, and LGTBQ+ Health
  7. Stop H.R. 722: A National Abortion Ban
  8. Oppose The SAVE Act (H.R. 22 / S.128) – A Voter Suppression Bill
  9. Oppose Efforts to Dehumanize Transgender and LGBTQ+ People

Know Your Rights

Their biggest fear is you knowing the law and how to stand up for yourself!! All individuals are entitled to fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution and civil rights laws. Discover more below about your rights, how to protect them, and what steps to take if your rights are infringed upon. Share these resources with folks you work with, you live with and love. Visit the ACLU websites below to learn more about your rights.

Abortion Rights

What To Know If The Police Question You About Your Abortion

If the police contact you because of something that happened during your pregnancy, including an abortion, or for helping someone end a pregnancy. You can be connected with a trusted attorney before you go to the station, it is always a good idea not to meet with the police alone. If you have questions about self managed abortion laws in your state, need to speak with an attorney or have any questions contact the Repro Legal Helpline. Visit or call 844-868-2812.

Please visit our Abortion Advocacy Information page for more resources.

Keeping Trans People Safe

Anti Trans Bills 2025 | Trans Legislation Tracker

As they currently track over 600 + anti Trans Bills, Trans Legislation Tracker can keep you up to date by region, state and whether the bills have passed and where they stand currently.

The State of Schools for Trans Youth in 2025 | Advocates for Trans Equality

Anti-trans extremists want to make it impossible for LGBTQI+ youth to be themselves in schools. But the research is clear: affirming school environments are lifesaving for LGBTQI+ youth. Advocates for Trans Equality collaborated with the Movement Advancement Project to make sure that advocates across the country have the information they need to protect our young people. Check out what they have to say here.

Comprehensive Sex Education - No Need for Indoctrination

EducateUS So You Want To Speak Up For Sex Education Guide

Even though they are in the minority in most places, opponents of sex ed have been making a big noise at school board and other public meetings lately. That’s why your efforts to make sure public officials hear from supporters of sex education is more important than it has ever been. And that’s why Educate US has written this guide, with just the things you most need to know about how to make your moment count.

Community Action Toolkit by SIECUS

SIECUS examines state-level sex education policies across the country, carefully tracks state legislation from introduction to passage, provides assistance to individuals and organizations who are advocating for sex education in their state or community, and develops resources and materials to assist advocates in their efforts. This Community Action Toolkit is jam-packed with education and tangible action items for you advocate for your community.

National Sex Education Standards (NSES)

The National Sex Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K–12 (Second Edition) were developed to create a national dialogue about the future of sex education and to promote the institutionalization of quality sex education in public schools. 

Creating Safer Spaces in Schools for LGBTQ Youth | The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Resources for Youth-Serving Professionals | Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign’s collection of resources for professionals, schools, and parents for creating a better world for LGBTQ+ Youth.

Healthy Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students Project 

The Safe and Supportive Schools Project promotes safe and supportive environments to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among adolescents.

Just the Facts: A Primer for Principals, Educators, and School Personnel

Just the Facts provides information and resources for principals, educators, and school personnel who confront sensitive issues involving gay, lesbian, and bisexual students.

Gender neutral language in the spaces where you live, work, and play

Diversity Style Guide

The Diversity Style Guide is a resource to help journalists and other media professionals cover a complex, multicultural world with accuracy, authority, and sensitivity.

Inclusive and Gender-Neutral Language | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

A compilation of definitions and explanations of language and why it matters.

Connect with us!

It is the hope of Roc.SRJ to help organizations, policy makers, board members, community stake holders, health care providers and those who work under those umbrellas understand that when we center Black , Brown and Indigenous people, we can resuscitate the systems and alleviate issues for everyone else.